Retaining walls are designed with a certain factor of safety involved, however mother nature likes to throw us curveballs from time to time.

When retaining walls take one more lateral loading then what they were initially designed and constructed to withstand they start to lean and can eventually fail.

This is where our retaining wall repair or realignment services come into play.

A leaning retaining wall can be stabilized and repaired by utilizing tie-back anchors that are installed through the wall and anchored into the dense native soils below.

As part of our retaining wall repair services, we can install anchors locking into competent, suitable soil.

How we perform retaining wall inspections.


One of our knowledgeable inspectors will draw a scaled diagram of the home and take floor elevation measurements after thoroughly inspecting the property inside and out.


We only move to step two if an issue with the foundation is found during the inspection. Our inspector will design a repair plan specific to the property and the issues facing it. They’ll then provide you with a scaled CAD drawing of your home, a full report on the findings, and a suggested repair plan based on those findings will be provided.


We will engage any other professionals that maybe required, such as Geotech and or council and complete to plan.

Are you ready to learn more about what’s happening with your property’s foundations?